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July 10, 2005 - 7:30 PM

Today @ 7:30 AM, my roommates cat - who isn't just my roommates cat, but like my cat as well - decided to sail out of our 5 flight window to the pavement below.

He is alive. He is at the animal hospital and is being watched overnight. It was a very rough morning. It is going to cost a sh*tload. If you go to my roommates blog, you can read more about it, plus you can see pictures of how cute he is. So! Cute! (Don't worry - they are BEFORE pictures.) And, if you're feeling like the $5 in your pocket could be used to help Wolfie's medical expenses out, Kelly has set up a paypal account. We're looking at an outlay of at least $1,500. God, have mercy on us all.

My man - because he has proven himself so - continues to exceed any expectation that I've ever had of a mate. It was his birthday last week and we went to dinner @ this amazing restaurant and then I took him to see Avenue Q. If you're in the NY area, I think it's worth seeing. If I could afford it, I'd see it again.

That's all the news I have today.

Please think about Wolfie and send him your prayers/thoughts/feelings/brain waves because he is just a sweet cat with very stupid ideas of flight.



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